
Steelhead / Trout

4-6 lbs / 6-9 lbs


58 lbs

20 Days

28 up Salmonfan
In Caleta Bay, we farm rainbow trout and Coho salmon, which find their optimal development in the cold waters of the south of Chile.
We strive to do things right in every stage of the process to deliver a final product of excellence:
The path to doing things correctly has never been easy, which is why at Caleta Bay we focus on each of the details that comprise our processes in order to deliver a product that is good for you.
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Trout and salmon are good for you. Science and medicine know it, and we know it. That is why we work every day for our products to arrive at your table and improve your life.
These are only some of the benefits they have for you.
66% of the daily requirement of vitamin E for an adult – benefits for eyesight, the brain, and skin, antioxidant properties.
50% of the recommended daily amount of Omega 3 for an adult and 100% for a kid: anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties, protects the heart.
2 to 3 portions of trout a week – improve the frame of mind and brain function, keep the skin and hair healthy, reduce the risk of coronary accidents, increase sports performance.
3 trout portions a week – reduce the risk of hypertension and gestational diabetes and the odds of a premature birth. It also improves cognitive and language development during childhood.
100% of the daily dose of vitamin D recommended for an adult – improve the bones’ health, benefit the muscles, immune, and nervous systems.
Every day at Caleta Bay, we work hard to create products that meet high quality, taste, color, and texture standards. We know that continuous improvement is only possible through the commitment and dedication of each member of our company and that the success of our business is the result of our team effort.
4-6 lbs / 6-9 lbs
58 lbs
20 Days
28 up Salmonfan
1-3 lbs / 1-2 lbs / 2-3 lbs
10 lbs / 35 lbs
20 Days
28 up Salmonfan
4 oz / 6 oz / 8 oz
10 lbs
20 Days
28 up Salmonfan
4-6 lbs / 6-9 lbs
25 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
0-2 lbs / 2-4 lbs
4-6 lbs / 6-9 lbs
25 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
1-3 lbs / 1-2 lbs / 2-3 lbs
10 kgs
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
200-400 grs / 400-600 grs
600-800 grs / 700-900 grs
900-1200 grs / 1200 grs up
10 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
200-400 grs / 400-600 grs
600-800 grs / 800 grs up
10 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
4 oz / 6 oz / 8 oz
10 lbs
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
200 - 300 grs / 300 - 400 grs
/ 400 grs up
3 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
500–600 / 600–700
/ 700 up grs
5 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
Packaged in 1 lb bags
10 KG box
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
100 - 120 grs
2 kg Box
250 grs
2 kg Box
250 / 500 grs
5 kgs Box
500 grs
5 kgs Box
4-6 lbs / 6-9 lbs
58 lbs
20 Days
28 up Salmonfan
4-6 lbs / 6-9 lbs
25 kg
23 months
28 up Salmonfan
0-2 lbs / 2-4 lbs
4-6 lbs / 6-9 lbs
25 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
700–900 grs / 900–1200 grs
/ 1200 grs - up
10 kg
23 Months
28 up Salmonfan
Try one of our delicious and varied homemade recipes. They are very easy to prepare.
In Caleta Bay, we focus on being a responsible, transparent, and sustainability-centered aquaculture company. This is why we are committed to doing things right in every detail that composes our processes within the chain of value, among them the most demanding certification standards that confirm the good practices of the company regarding environmental matters, with our employees, and throughout production.