The path to doing
things right
In Caleta Bay we believe that sustainability must be lived, landed, and turned into concrete actions. These are some of them:

Caleta Bay's
We have a sustainability model that represents the essence of who we are and guides our decisions. We call it "Caleta Bay's Rudder," and it is formed by our value chain, our stakeholders, and our values.

Impact B
We have conducted impact B measurements on two opportunities: the first was in 2020, where we reached 46.9 points. From the measures and improvements we implemented, in 2022 we got 66.8 points in the second measurement. We currently have an action plan that would allow us to achieve the goal of 88.35 points in 2025.

Volunteers from different company departments participate along with students from Technical Professional High Schools that offer aquaculture specialties in order to share experiences, work together, and tutor the specialty at the same time that they accompany them in their educational process and their formation in Dual Technical Professional Education.

After four years of working on the development of a sustainability model as a strategic aspect of the company we have published out second sustainability report.

Our effort implies defining clear goals in the short and long term to keep delivering the best product.

Our trout has 16 grams of antibiotics
Some of our sites have 0 antibiotics
The majority of our sites with 0 antibiotics
All of our sites without antibiotics

Innovate in
all processes to do
things right.

In Caleta Bay, we believe it is important to be at the forefront, identify trends, and develop innovative solutions for new strategies in all areas of our business. We invite you to know some of our milestones: